7 Things I Thought I Would Be Good at When I Reached Age 60

age 60

Some things I have mastered. Mostly, things that I’ve done over and over, often with little attention. Things like driving a car. Or riding a bicycle. Or brewing a pot of coffee. No need for deep thought or remembering details… just do it and it somehow comes out well.

I can whip up a meal, bake a loaf of bread, iron a shirt, fold laundry, meet someone new, tell a joke, and comfort a baby pretty well. Not much thought, just lots of practice.

However, there are a few things that I expected to become good at that I have still not mastered, even into my sixth decade. I assumed I would become an expert in these areas, but so far, the results are minimal.

Shaving My Legs

One would think that since I started this little activity at around age 12 I would be really good at it by now, 54 years later. Not so. I have started carrying a razor in my car because I often see missed spots in the sunshine. How can one not master the art of smooth legs after so many practice opportunities?

Sigh. The handy razor solves my dilemma.

Ignoring Other’s Bad Behavior

I kind of thought that I would become more tolerant as I aged. Understanding and walking in others’ shoes and all that.

Actually, I am more tolerant. Having sons who have had to learn to stay sober, another son with Down syndrome, now having daughters-in-law and a son-in-law and knowing their stories… not to mention being married to a pastor (now retired, yeah!!!) and hearing all sorts of legitimate reasons to be hurt have broadened my scope of understanding.

But, there are still some actions that I can’t seem to ignore. I can (usually) refrain from commenting on it, but I still stew inside.

Not Caring What Others Think of Me

It still hurts my feelings if someone doesn’t like me. I have gotten over having big ears. I can wear my naturally grey hair very short with confidence, even though two of my children have nonchalantly told me they like me more with longer hair.

I can go into a room and hold my own. I can easily decide to skip an event or get myself invited, if I want to go. But, I still really want others to enjoy being around me. And I hate being taken advantage of… and I cannot not see that.

Singing Like I Did in High School

I was in the elite choir in high school and thoroughly enjoyed it all. We even went to Europe on a month-long tour the summer before my senior year.

I enjoyed the trip so much, I got kicked out of choir after our return, but, I managed to talk my way back into the good graces of the director and into the soprano section for one last semester.

Singing in a choir was something I thought I would eventually get back to. The contemporary church service I attended had a “worship band” and though at one time I wanted to be part of it, other people were more available and, frankly, better singers.

Community choirs did not fit with my schedule of having a bunch of kids who were in sports and other activities. So by the time I am now able to schedule in choir practice, I find my unused voice is in no shape for regular use. I am okay with this, but with a wee bit of sadness.

A Love of Gardening

I have friends who tell me that gardening is therapeutic, pulling weeds with a vengeance and all that. And that the feel of dirt in their hands is pleasant. And that they enjoy the act of gardening just as much as the results.

I believe all that is true for them. But I still hate weeding. Fortunately, my husband enjoys a bit of gardening, so I get to enjoy fresh greens and herbs, but I have given up trying to influence his choice of plants. I buy my bouquets at the grocery store.

Being Able to Dance Well

I wanted to dance well into my 80s. But, alas, I married a fine man who has many stellar qualities, but who just cannot – or will not? – learn to dance effortlessly. I grew up in Texas where the two-step was great fun if you had a good partner who could lead strongly.

When my husband and I tried ballroom dancing class once, rotating through the other dancing wannabes was not pleasant for either of us. And, frankly, my once-drummer husband’s counting beats in my ear was not inspiring. We have found other enjoyments.

Having Beautiful Handwriting

I have decided that a legible handwriting is acceptable.

All of this serves to say that who I have become is okay with me. Also, what I have opted to focus on has been mostly intentional, and if it wasn’t intentional, I now know why. I’m good with being good at what I’m good at. And with letting others find their own satisfactions.

The post 7 Things I Thought I Would Be Good at When I Reached Age 60 appeared first on Sixty And Me.

The post 7 Things I Thought I Would Be Good at When I Reached Age 60 appeared first on Best Homecare Tips.

Source: CareTips

Top 5 Ways to Get Quality User Reviews

The ultimate goal of every business (OK, besides profits) is happy and satisfied clients.

Because having satisfied clients means you must be doing something right.

When clients are satisfied with a product or a service, they tend to talk and recommend it to their friends and family.

What speaks better about the quality of your work than positive user reviews? Right?

But how could you convince your new and potential clients that you really are as good as your existing clients say you are?

There are multiple solutions.

Website Form

You can add a form to your website that asks your satisfied clients to come back to your website once they already used your service and leave feedback.

Yeah, not complicated at all.

customer feedback form example

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Clients will surely come back and talk about how happy they are with your work. On their own.

Hm, but what if they don’t?

What if they are too lazy, or they just simply forget?

Not an issue. There are other options.

Video User Reviews Platforms

You can always use a platform that allows your clients to send you a video review of your work. Because talking in front of a camera is easier than writing an essay, right?

Yes, for sure, they will do that.

But what if they don’t?

Even worse, what if they do?

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What would you do with all those shaky, awkward, selfie videos of your clients?

While they are genuine and honest, are they really usable?

They are somewhere in a parking lot, dogs are barking, children screaming. The chaos!

Nobody will be able to hear what that magic is you do to make them love you so much.

OK, that is fixable.

Employee-managed Review Apps

Take control of where they will talk about you.

There are a lot of apps that let your employees grab videos of your clients.

That’s perfect, but your employees are always in a hurry, and they rush out the door forgetting to collect your clients’ thoughts.

That’s OK. They are only human, for crying out loud!

Professional Video Agency

Maybe you can hire a professional video production agency, for quite a number of zeros after that dollar sign.

Wow, your reputation will soar with all those staged, commercial-like testimonial videos.

Totally genuine. Everyone will believe them and come running to get your service.


Yeah, well, we said there are a lot of options. Not that all of them are great.

But there just might be something that can solve all those problems for you.

EndorseMe App

It’s called EndorseMe, and it literally solves every problem mentioned above.



It is an app created by UJAT Care and it’s one of a kind because it lets your employees take the initiative when grabbing testimonials.

No more waiting for clients to remember. You can now get a freshly brewed testimonial directly from the job site.

But you might say: What is special about that? What if my employees forget? We had this talk already, didn’t we?

Yes, but it gets better.

The special ingredient of EndorseMe is not allowing your employees to forget. It will remind them about it each time they arrive at your clients’ location.

Problem solved.

But wait, can it get even better?

Oh yeah, it can.

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You get to manage and decide about everything.

  • Whether you want video, audio, or photo user reviews.
  • Whether you want to share it directly to your website and social media through the app, or you want to manage it on your own and share when you’re ready.
  • You even get an option to get a professional video production minus the complex and long process.
  • And more importantly, minus all those zeros!

So what is the conclusion here?

EndorseMe is so smart and so pretty, and OK, we’ll admit, we’re in love with it.

But don’t take our word for it.

The best way to be sure is to try it for yourself.

Let us know, what is your preferred method for collecting feedback from clients?


The post Top 5 Ways to Get Quality User Reviews appeared first on Best Homecare Tips.

Source: CareTips

So You Just Lost Your Job After 50? Here Are 10 Ways to Move Forward


In the classic movie American Beauty, Lester explains to his daughter that he didn’t “lose” his job. He explains that if this were true, he could have found it again. If this were the case for all of us who’ve experienced losing a job, we wouldn’t be a square peg and would have little need to read ahead.

Sadly, it isn’t the case and as such, we ask ourselves, “What do I do now?”

When faced with this stark reality, it becomes apparent to us that what we didn’t do after experiencing a job loss was as impactful as what we did. Below are some suggested don’ts and must-dos for you to consider.

Make a Plan

When we feel out of control in our lives, we seek order as familiarity. We once knew a woman who, when she felt stressed, ran out and bought a new day planner so that she could re-input her schedule, contacts and task lists. This made her feel like she had a personal order to the chaos that raised her stress and anxiety.

Today that would be akin to buying a new cell phone each time stress arises, which is not highly recommended. Instead, plan for week one, which will serve as your template for the weeks ahead of you. Having a plan will preserve the order of your day, schedule and efforts toward searching for work. Without a plan, your search will take longer.

Take a Step Backward

Taking a step backward is perhaps one of the most important things you can do when starting your job search. Don’t just start aimlessly acting out of panic and fear. Now is the time to consider your highest and best use. What does that mean? It’s a land economics term that applies to our career formula.

A person’s highest and best use is the confluence of their skill sets and their passions with a vehicle by which to utilize them. Simply put: identify what you’re good at, what you’re passionate about in life and what industries, verticals, companies, fields, and sectors might offer a position to marry those. This is often something people neglect to consider, instead jumping right into the hunt immediately upon being laid off.

Don’t Consider This Time as a Vacation

It’s definitely not vacation time. Whether you received a handsome severance or an empty bankers box, the reality is that no income is coming your way tomorrow, but your bills are. At most, take a week to regroup before you come out swinging.

Take Stock of Your Emotional State

Hopefully not, but it may be the case that being unemployed may cause you to suffer some form of depression. If so, please consider seeking professional help. Lack of motivation, inescapable sadness and feelings of hopelessness may be signs that you’re going there. Please don’t ignore them or hide them from loved ones. You’ll need all the support you can get.

The SquarePeg Community was created for this express purpose. We felt alone, misunderstood and without support from fellow Boomers suffering what we were. Few seemed to “get us” and what we were going through. These feelings are not unusual, but if they persist, seek the help of a professional. Surround yourself with positive people who understand what you’re feeling. Not everyone will.

Commit to Your Job Search

Finding real work is a full-time job. There is nothing easy or formulaic about it. It’s hard work and requires focus and commitment. Outline your assets and resources that will help you with the search, how much time you’ll spend daily and what measurable progress you should expect.

How many hours should you spend daily and how many days a week? There is no right answer. Treat your search as you would any workweek and accomplish the tasks ahead of you. Work smart and hard, giving yourself applause for anything you do that moves you closer to “passing go.”

Share Your Story with Everyone

That’s right, share with everyone. We heard of a friend who received a plum job opportunity from a person who he had fired at a previous company!

The point is that we never know where the next great opportunity will come from. Be fearless about sharing your humanity and let others give to you what they can to help your cause. Some will surprise you with their indifference, while others will seek to repay your past kindnesses. None of this will occur if you don’t share with others readily and candidly.

Network Everywhere

We learned that networking occurs at a local ball field, a holiday party, a car wash and the grocery store. Most everyone we know has a job, works for a company, knows someone who owns a company or perhaps even runs one. Share your story, be unafraid to ask for help and let others offer. It may be as uncomfortable for you as it was for us, but it’s powerful.

Refresh Your Resume

This relic known as your resume last saw the light of day when the first Bush was President. Although in the age of social media a resume may seem passé, try applying online or in person without one. Not a great writer or uncomfortable advertising for your personal brand? SquarePeg offers a resume refresh tool for a fraction of what market pricing is today. Check it out in the Tools section of our site.

Become a LinkedIn Member

The price of LinkedIn is right. Basic membership is free. It is the single most often used tool by recruiters and employers to search, vet and contact potential job candidates. The key is in having a powerful and unique profile. Much like Google search, LinkedIn uses an algorithm that searches keywords within your profile and matches them with similar keywords in a job opportunity posting.

Take the time to carefully craft your profile. Should you have concerns about doing this right, SquarePeg offers a LinkedIn profile critique tool, again for way less than market price. Learn about how this can help you in the Tools section of our site.

Research Your Network

You know more people than you think. Maximize your contact with them by “going to school on each.” It used to be about who you know. Now, thanks to social media, it’s what you know about who you know.

Everyone is an asset if you approach him or her effectively. Don’t filter out anyone until first approaching them; think of each as another hunter for your game. You simply never know who’ll come through for you.

Remember to stay motivated, fight fear, share with others who “get it” and to use your assets and resources. Maybe you won’t find the job you’ve lost: You may just find a better one.

The post So You Just Lost Your Job After 50? Here Are 10 Ways to Move Forward appeared first on Sixty And Me.

The post So You Just Lost Your Job After 50? Here Are 10 Ways to Move Forward appeared first on Best Homecare Tips.

Source: CareTips

Happy Older Americans Month! Apply for a $1,500 Road Scholar Scholarship by June 30th


Road Scholar Shines the Spotlight on the Contributions of Older Adults
to Society

Each May, the contributions of older Americans take center stage as communities across the
country celebrate Older Americans Month. The theme this year is Connect, Create, and Contribute, encouraging older adults and
their communities to connect with friends and family, create activities that
promote learning, health, and personal enrichment, and contribute time, talent
and life-experience to benefit others.

Road Scholar, the world’s largest not-for-profit educational travel organization, has created learning
adventures for older adults for more than 40 years; in fact, the average age of
a returning participant is 72 years old, and a significant number of those are

While 72 might seem old to some, here are a few 72-year-old (and older) men and women who are
changing the world and challenging the notion of what it means to grow older:

  • Tao Porchon-Lynch, 99, world’s oldest yoga teacher
  • Glenn Close, 72, actress and first time Oscar Winner in 2018
  • Joe Biden, 76, former vice-president, and newly announced
    presidential candidate

Not quite as famous but equally impressive is 99-year-old Road Scholar participant Seymour
Siegel. Seymour recently attended a Road Scholar program in Winter Park,
Florida with his companion, Laura. Now retired, he enjoyed an impressive career
as the former Executive Director of the Jewish Family & Children Service of
Southern New Jersey, and the author of an
Orphan in New York City

“Road Scholar was founded on the premise that older adults like Mr. Siegel are vital,
integral members of our communities who continue to push the limits of what it
means to grow older in a youth-obsessed culture,” said James Moses, President
and CEO of Road Scholar. “During my 40-year tenure at Road Scholar, I’ve
witnessed the extraordinary capabilities of older Americans who remain engaged,
active members of society. Road Scholar participants know that stimulation,
friendship and camaraderie, and regular exercise, are the tenets of a healthy
older age, and they experience all three on our learning adventures around the

A recent survey confirms that Road Scholars attribute their mental tenacity and physical health
to being active, learning new things, staying connected with friends and
family, and traveling. As 65 million baby boomers reach their 70s and 80s,
expect to see more and more ordinary older Americans doing extraordinary

Americans Are Facing… and Smashing Age-Related Challenges

There are, of course, some challenges with growing older; for example, how to ensure financial stability as one nears
retirement age, as well as the prospect of having to care for ailing parents
and loved ones.

Several years ago, Road Scholar began offering financial assistance for low income adults 50+ who would otherwise not be able
to participate in a learning adventure. In addition, it has expanded its
financial aid to include caregiver grants and awards specifically for

Mary Jo Silva of Burlington, Kentucky was awarded a Road Scholar Caregiver Grant and used it to enroll in a hiking
program at Rocky Mountain National Park. She wanted to get into shape and also
push herself outside of her comfort zone.

“Respite is one word for the trip, but it was also an adventure… I wanted to make a commitment to myself to
get into shape. I look better and feel better because of it. It was a real
confidence builder. This trip was just the right mix of personal challenge and
personal indulgence. I learned a lot about taking care of myself while on the
trails and at high altitudes. The guides were great in celebrating with us as
we reached our personal bests. Thank you kindly to those who made this trip
possible. It is wonderful to see a company recognize the need of the caregiver

Calling All Educators, Caregivers and low-income Adults

This year, Road Scholar is searching for 100 educators, caregivers and low-income adults who wish to experience an
educational learning experience. The organization will award 100 scholarships
worth $1,500 between now and June 30th. All unclaimed awards will go
unused. To apply, please visit the website at: www.roadscholar.org/financialaid.

The post Happy Older Americans Month! Apply for a $1,500 Road Scholar Scholarship by June 30th appeared first on Sixty And Me.

The post Happy Older Americans Month! Apply for a $1,500 Road Scholar Scholarship by June 30th appeared first on Best Homecare Tips.

Source: CareTips

6 Ways that Having a Pet Can Improve Your Life After 60

I’m a cat person. I’ve always had a cat and can’t image my home without one. My cat isn’t my pet, it’s a member of my family. I love coming home and having my boy run up to greet me, rubbing against my legs and looking up at me with his big wide eyes that say he missed me. No matter how difficult my day has been, I forget it all about it when I see his eager face.

And I’m not unique with how I feel. The majority of people with pets feel a close bond with them, like they are their children. We do tend to treat our “children” extremely well, often to the point of beyond spoiled. We pamper them, give in to their every whim and worry about them if we’ll be home late past their feed time. Our pets live in loving homes, coddled and cared for.

The benefits to our pets are obvious. But what about the benefits to us, especially as we age? Should we have a pet as we get older, especially if we are living alone?

The 6 reasons why having a pet improves our lives include:

Pets Help Reduce Feelings of Isolation and Loneliness

Animals provide us with a sense of being wanted and needed. We feel we are not alone when we are with them. Pets give us someone to talk to, especially when we are sad or stressed. We tell our pets things we wouldn’t tell anyone else. They provide us with feelings of trust and security that are often hard to find from others.

People with Pets Tend to Live Longer

Research shows overwhelming benefits to both our mental and physical health from having pets. For example, this study found that owning a cat may reduce your chances of having a heart attack by one-third! Having a pet encourages us to stay healthy so we are there for them.

Pet owners tend to visit their doctor regularly, take less medicine and recover quicker from illnesses.

This has the potential to reduce health care costs considerably.

Pets Provide Stress Relief

Our physical contact with our pets is calming. Animals seem to sense our moods and provide comfort exactly when we need it. They help us manage stress by lowering our blood pressure and pulse rate from the hugging and stroking.

Hugging provides our bodies with oxytocin, a stress-reducing hormone that lowers blood pressure and heart rate.

And stroking an animal boosts our serotonin and dopamine levels, which also helps lower our blood pressure and heart rate.

Pets Give Us a Sense of Purpose

Animals help people, especially seniors, to focus on something other than their physical problems and any negativity about aging. Pets provide us with a daily routine, giving us something to nurture and care for. And this give our days structure and activities to do each day with feedings at set times, walks, brushings and playtimes. This helps give meaning to our days and a sense of accomplishment at the end of the day.

Pets Improve Our Mental Health

Interacting with our pets them brightens up our lives. They give us something to look forward to, an easy means of entertainment as well as joy, happiness, and a sense of responsibility. All of this and the fact that we are able to care for them, as well as care for ourselves, helps us build our self-esteem and self-confidence.

Pets Reduce Depression by Providing Us with Unconditional Love

Many people prefer pets to friends, as we can be more open and honest with our pets since we don’t fear any repercussions or consequences flowing from our behavior. In addition to love, pets make us feel needed and wanted. They distract us from our daily challenges, putting us into a different reality, which reduces the depression from the tension and stress of our daily lives.

It turns out that the benefits of having a pet are very positive for us as well as for our pets. With condos and apartments, not to mention the many retirement homes that are adopting a pet-friendly policy, there is no reason by we call can’t benefit from sharing our lives with a pet.

And for those that are unsure if a pet would work in your lives, you can always contact your local SPCA and inquire about short-term foster care. This will give you the experience of having a pet, as well as providing a much needed community service to those unfortunate pets that desperately need a loving home as they patiently wait for their “forever home.”

The post 6 Ways that Having a Pet Can Improve Your Life After 60 appeared first on Sixty And Me.

The post 6 Ways that Having a Pet Can Improve Your Life After 60 appeared first on Best Homecare Tips.

Source: CareTips

The Secret Power of Water and Why Boomers Can Benefit from It


While many of us crave for the secret sauce that will cause us to lose weight and
have more energy, one item is often overlooked, and it is the simplest of all –
pure water.

You may hear that pomegranate juice, or grapefruit, or most recently, celery juice is
the key to good health, but pure water may be the most enduring solution of

Of course, water, like any other substance, cannot be the only solution. However,
it is so vital that without it we die far more quickly than we would without

We Are 70% Water

A human can go without food for about three weeks but
would typically only last three
to four days without water. Why?
Because 70% of our tissues, and therefore our bodies, is comprised of water. We
need it.

Here are some simple numbers:

  • blood: 55% water
  • heart: 73% water
  • kidney: 79% water
  • brain: 73% water
  • bones: 31% water
  • muscle: 79% water

Water for Health and Beauty

You might find the experience of Dr.
interesting. He was a political prisoner in
India and found many inmates suffered from a variety of untreated illnesses,
including ulcers, headache, malnutrition, etc.

He theorized that water would play a role in their recovery, and since it was all
he had to work with, he administered balanced amounts of water to them daily. He
documented his findings in a recording called “The Body’s Many Cries for

Another example of water’s importance falls into the beauty spectrum. Renowned makeup
artist Bobby Brown uses water as her go-to solution for models who look
fatigued or have circles under the eyes. She finds an immediate improvement in
their appearance.

How Much Water Is Enough?

Are you wondering what the best amount of water might be for you? My recommendation, if
you have no issues with your electrolyte balance, would be to take your body
weight, divide it in half, and drink that many ounces of water each day.

Note that water is contained in leafy green vegetables, fruits, soups, and teas, so
your consumption does not have to be water exclusively.

If you feel that this amount of water seems high, increase slowly. Many women fear
they will be making multiple bathroom trips if they drink this much, but as you
build up your intake, much of it will be absorbed by your body’s systems. Only
a portion of it will go to your bladder.

Consider the Benefits

We’ve all heard of the fountain of youth. Well, the fountain of youth is right there
in your water glass. It brightens your face, flushes out toxins, and provides
all your internal systems with much needed hydration.

And here’s a hidden bonus for good water drinkers: it’s a perfect tool for weight
loss. A glass of water when you think you want a snack will curb the desire; a
glass of water before a meal will lessen your appetite. All this while also
providing your body systems with the hydration they need.

When I work with clients who enroll in my Six Weeks to Diet Freedom program,
one of the first things I recommend is keeping an inventory of your daily water
intake. Some are shocked by how little they drink and through the six weeks
slowly build up their intake.

It makes an amazing difference not only in how you feel, but in the ease of
curbing appetite that leads to weight loss. If you work at a computer, keep a
glass of water beside you for a pick-me-up when you feel fatigued.

The post The Secret Power of Water and Why Boomers Can Benefit from It appeared first on Sixty And Me.

The post The Secret Power of Water and Why Boomers Can Benefit from It appeared first on Best Homecare Tips.

Source: CareTips

Boomers and Bongs – How Safe Is Medical Marijuana for Older Adults?

How Safe Is Medical Marijuana for Older Adults

I read a tongue-in-cheek quip the other day
that said, “Talk with your grandparents about marijuana – before somebody else
does.” While this is clearly a clever play on the slogan from years gone by
aimed at keeping kids off drugs, it’s really not that far off the mark.

The Numbers Are

Boomers are the fastest growing group of
people using marijuana in the United States today. This shift in marijuana use
is dramatic.

Reportedly, your neighbor in your active adult community
or one of your friends from the local senior group is more likely to be
using marijuana at any given moment than your teenage grandchildren are.

Roughly nine percent of adults in the United
States aged 50 to 64, and 3% of those over 65, report using cannabis. And
before you say those numbers aren’t that high, consider that 10 years ago the number of adults between 50 and
64 reporting marijuana use was 4.5%.

Obviously, the percentage of people in that
age group admitting to using cannabis has doubled.

For those over 64, the increase in marijuana
use is almost seven-fold from where it was a decade ago. And in those states
that have legalized medical marijuana, boomers make up almost 25% of all
cannabis consumers.

So what is going on here? Have boomers decided
en masse to relive their college days by pulling out the tie-dyed
clothes, bongs, and Grateful Dead albums?

What’s Up with the
Boomer Generation?

We can surmise that some boomers probably
continued using cannabis throughout their adult years up to today.

But what is most intriguing is that many over
the age of 65 who reported using marijuana during the past year received
approval from their doctors before visiting their local medical marijuana

They also didn’t need to look very hard for a
doctor to endorse this use since roughly four of five doctors approve the use
of medical marijuana.

Moreover, boomers aren’t using medical
marijuana to “get high” but rather, to treat and get relief from a variety of
medical conditions.

From both empirical and anecdotal data, it’s
safe to say that the use of medical marijuana, where it is legal, or course, is
not about to go away. Medical marijuana is now permitted in 33 states,
including the District of Columbia.

Medical Marijuana Is
Not the Same “Pot” You May Have Tried in College

Medical marijuana, unlike street or home-grown
versions of cannabis, is prepared from pure, uncut cannabis indica plant.

While there are over 100 different chemicals –
collectively known as cannabinoids – in marijuana, basically all but two of
them are removed from the plant, leaving only those that have medical benefit. The
first is cannabidiol (CBD) and the second is delta-9-tetrhydrocannabinol (THC).

There are a number of ways that boomers are
ingesting medical cannabis. These include the following:

  • E-cigarette
    device (vaping) or smoking;
  • Edibles such as gummy candies, hard tacks, or chocolate bars;
  • Topical lotions or creams (for aches);
  • Pills (two of them, Marinol and Cesamet, are approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to help treat nausea in cancer patients);
  • Sublingual drops.

Boomers considering using medical marijuana,
after talking with a competent health care professional first, of course, are
usually counseled to use a product higher in CBD content since this is the
chemical component believed to reduce inflammation.

It is also lower in the psychoactive THC,
which is what causes the euphoria associated with marijuana use.

Reported Risks of
Medical Marijuana for Boomers

Since marijuana continues to be a controlled
and illegal substance under Federal Law, there has not been extensive research
on the medical benefits and risks of using it.

Many doctors and pharmaceutical experts tell their older patients to be careful when
using THC because it “is psychoactive and the
aging brain is more vulnerable to psychoactive drugs.”

While additional research is needed to
identify all the risks of using medical marijuana, both doctor and patient
reports have identified several important ones, including:

  • Interference with blood thinners, such as Warfarin/Coumadin;
  • Exacerbation of existing lung disease or conditions such as COPD or chronic bronchitis (from smoking marijuana);
  • Dizziness or loss of balance, which can increase the risk of falls;
  • Increased risk of accidents (around the house or while driving, for example);
  • Possible memory impairment;
  • Increased drowsiness and other side effects from alcohol and marijuana when used together;
  • Possible aggravation of existing cardiovascular problems such as arrhythmia or stroke;
  • Unanticipated interactions with other medications, supplements, or herbal remedies.

Benefits of Using
Medical Marijuana After 60

There are two reported benefits of medical
marijuana that are worth mentioning.

The first is that patients who use medical
marijuana for pain management tend to use fewer opioids, with some patients
even reporting that they were able to discontinue opioids once they began using
medical cannabis.

This “switch out” of cannabis for opioids is
supported by recent studies which have shown that Medicare prescriptions
for opioid painkillers are lower in states with medical marijuana programs.

A second claim made by proponents of medical
cannabis is that it can cost as much as a third less than prescription drugs.

What to Consider

It’s worth repeating that if you’re
considering medical marijuana to help alleviate some of the aches and pains you
get as you age, you should first talk with your doctor rather than
self-medicating. Actually, this holds true for any medication whether
prescription or over-the-counter.

You should also keep in mind that not getting
enough of the nutrients your body needs in the right amounts can impact how
well you manage pain and chronic disease, how you experience pain, and how well
you respond to various medical treatment and procedures.

So consider getting your minerals, vitamins,
and other nutrient levels checked before you talk with your physician
about medical marijuana.

For example, there is ample evidence that
nutrients like magnesium play a significant role in pain relief. And when
magnesium is combined with morphine, the pain relieving effect is even

The post Boomers and Bongs – How Safe Is Medical Marijuana for Older Adults? appeared first on Sixty And Me.

The post Boomers and Bongs – How Safe Is Medical Marijuana for Older Adults? appeared first on Best Homecare Tips.

Source: CareTips

Fun in the Sun! Your Essential Guide to Sun Protection in the Years After 60

Essential Guide to Sun Protection in the Years After 60

It’s hard not to get excited about the much-awaited
start of summer and the idea of spending more time outside in the sun with
friends and family.

With new research exposing the environmental harms of
sunblock, however, and accelerating rates of skin cancer among older adults,
you won’t want to miss this essential guide to sun protection.

You Need to Know About Skin Cancer

Have you heard? New research is highlighting skin
cancer as one of the fastest emerging epidemics among older adults. In fact, the average
age for being diagnosed with skin cancer is 63 according to the American Cancer
Society. What’s contributing to this climb in cases of skin cancer?

First of all, more and more baby boomers are aging
into the 60+ bracket, a phenomenon commonly referred to as the “silver tsunami.”

Skin cancer risk goes up as you age, mostly due to the
increased exposure to UV radiation that you have accumulated throughout your
lifetime. The high number of older adults means more potential cases of skin

Secondly, skin cancer can be more likely to develop if
you experience immune suppression as a result of a disease, illness, or virus.

The National Council on Aging has shared that approximately
four out of five older adults have at least one chronic illness. This could
mean that a great majority of the baby boomer population may have a weakened
immune system and therefore have a harder time fighting off cancer cells.

Additional risk factors – light
or fair skin that freckles and burns easily, smoking, exposure to certain
chemicals, and even having green or blue eyes or red or blond hair – can increase your likelihood of developing skin cancer.

and the Environment

Have you ever wondered what the “reef safe” labels
mean that are popping up on new bottles of sunblock? They refer to the
exclusion of ingredients in the sunblock formula, specifically oxybenzone and
octinoxate, that have been shown to damage coral reef.

In 2018, Hawaii became the first state to ban
sunscreens with those chemicals in them, and Key West is not far behind.

The truth is that, worldwide, oxybenzone and octinoxate
are two of the most common UV-blocking ingredients used in sunscreen.

If you think about the millions of people hitting the
beaches and lakes together during the summer with their sunscreens infiltrating
the water ecosystems, it’s no surprise there is a threat to the environment.

If you’re curious to learn more, check out this sunscreen guide from Environmental
Working Group. It provides lots of easy-to-read facts about mineral and
non-mineral sunscreens, the differences in waterproof and sweatproof, and so
much more.

to Safely Protect Your Skin

Even if you are outside for a mere 30 minutes, that is
more than enough time for UV rays to reach your skin and do damage.

Sun protection is absolutely essential to staying skin
cancer free. And while there has been some concern about the chemicals in
common sunblock formulae, more alternatives are becoming available that
eliminate harmful toxins and still reflect, scatter, and absorb the sun’s
dangerous radiation.

Whether you’re planning on hitting the beach or simply
like to get outside for a tennis game, keep these skin protection tips in mind:

When in Doubt, Cover Your Skin with Clothes

A tight knit is going to filter less UV radiation
through than an open-weave, and long sleeves and pants are going to cover more
skin. If temperatures simply won’t allow for long clothing, consider wearing a
t-shirt and shorts with sunblock to cover any exposed areas.

If you wear wrist support or other exercise aid, don’t forget to lather on sunblock before you put it on as they often have open holes where the sun can reach your skin.

Don’t Forget Your Face and Eyes

A wide-brimmed hat is going to shield your head, face,
and neck much better than a ball-cap or short-brimmed hat. And be mindful of
your sunglasses – the more coverage, the
better – and look for ones that say 100% UV protection.

Observe the Shadow Rule

Keep in mind how the intensity of the sun changes
depending on the time of day you are outside and where you are. As the sun
rises and more of its rays reach you, your shadow will shorten. The shadow rule
says that the shorter your shadow, the more you should seek shade.

Know Your SPF

Your “sun protection factor” is going to vary
depending on how quickly your skin experiences sunburn. For someone who burns
in 10 minutes, an SPF 15 will not protect as long as someone who burns in 20
minutes. Play it safe by using sunscreen in the SPF 30 to 50 range.

The post Fun in the Sun! Your Essential Guide to Sun Protection in the Years After 60 appeared first on Sixty And Me.

The post Fun in the Sun! Your Essential Guide to Sun Protection in the Years After 60 appeared first on Best Homecare Tips.

Source: CareTips

Amazing, Affordable Getaways: 5 Places Where a Month-Long Escape Costs $1,500 (FREE Report!)


costs… great weather… and excellent, affordable healthcare. There are lots of
benefits to giving overseas living a try.

what if you haven’t decided yet which overseas retirement haven you prefer? Or
what if you don’t even know yet if this go-abroad strategy is for you?

Test the Waters Before Retiring Overseas

great news is that retiring overseas doesn’t have to be an all-or-nothing game.
You don’t have to move to a new country forever. With fights around the world
becoming more frequent (and cheaper), testing the waters for your overseas
retirement is now easier than ever.

kicker? You can test-drive overseas living (for a month…or three…or six) for
less than it costs you to live at home: As little as $1,500 a month for a
couple, all in.

, we’ve pinpointed the five best places for
you to test-drive your retirement overseas. From beach towns to idyllic
lake-side retreats… from close-knit mountain communities to metropolises
bustling with culture… we’ve got them all covered here.

You can get your copy free right here.

places all share one thing in common: They’re easy. Easy for you to call
home—for however long you want. In all five, you’ll find affordable short-term
rentals (as little as $500 a month).

of these havens has an established expat presence. So not only will it be easy
for you to meet and make friends, but you’ll have no problem finding fellow

selected places where the climate is great (think 60s F all the way up to the
90s F) throughout the year. Places where you can enjoy rounds of golf, take
your boat out on the lake, hike through cloud forests, or stroll on the
sparkling sands of a tropical beach.

healthcare, if not in the town or city itself, is (at most) 90 minutes away by
car—and always more affordable than the U.S. No need to worry about insurance;
if you have to pay the doctor a visit, you can just pay out of pocket while
you’re there.

You can get your copy free right here.

Paradise is Closer Than You Think!

these places are a breeze to get to from the States or Canada. Some have their
own airports, and the others are easily reached by low-cost public transport on
new, paved roads. Plus, all these countries allow you to stay for at least 90
days on a tourist visa, giving you lots of time to soak up all they have to

The post Amazing, Affordable Getaways: 5 Places Where a Month-Long Escape Costs $1,500 (FREE Report!) appeared first on Sixty And Me.

The post Amazing, Affordable Getaways: 5 Places Where a Month-Long Escape Costs $1,500 (FREE Report!) appeared first on Best Homecare Tips.

Source: CareTips

Want to Feel More Balanced? Start with Your Feet!


Did you know that 25%
of your bones and muscles are located below the ankle? And yet our feet tend to
be one of the most overlooked parts of our body, at least as far as proactive
care goes. No one thinks about their feet until there’s a problem.

Due to the volume of
joints and muscles in the feet, stiffness in this area of the body is one of
the biggest contributors to balance problems. Your feet play a major role in
the intricate
that keep you balanced. The more rigid your feet, the
more difficult
it is to balance

One of the best
places you can start to improve your balance is to improve the mobility of your
feet. The more impact from the environment your feet absorb, the less work the
rest of your body has to do to keep you balanced.

The first step to better foot mobility is to consider how you treat your feet daily. What kind of shoes do you wear? How much time do you spend with shoes off? How are your toes moving?

Do you have foot
pain? Are there calluses, and if so, where? All of these questions can start to
give you clues about how your feet move.

Maintaining healthy, happy feet for better balance is easy to do with just a few simple tools you already have in your home, and a few minutes per day.

Follow the steps
below to return the suppleness to your feet for a quick impact on your balance:

Stop Wearing Heels, Rigid Shoes, or Shoes with a Pointy Toe

Shoes that tighten
your calves
, don’t allow the bones of your feet to move,
or cram all the toes together are a recipe for future foot and balance issues.
Spend most of your time in shoes that are flat, flexible, and have a wide toe
box to allow
your feet to experience a range of natural movement

Spend More Time at Home Barefoot

Shoes act as a cast
to your feet, immobilizing them and preventing the muscles of the foot from
working on their own.

Allowing yourself to
walk barefoot, even for short amounts of time, provides the muscles of your
feet an opportunity to strengthen. If you tend to wear shoes at home, start
this process gradually to allow your feet to adapt.

Practice Spreading Your Toes Apart and Lifting Them Individually
Every Day

You might be
surprised to hear your feet should have the same dexterity as your hands! You
heard that right. Shoes have done to our feet what a lifetime of wearing
mittens would do to your hands.

Start to wake the
muscles of the feet up and improve your dexterity by practicing your toe
mobility. The muscles that control the toes also strengthen the arch of the
foot, so this is important to focus on if you’ve been told you are
“flat-footed” or have a collapsed arch.

Walk on a Variety of Surfaces and Textures

Walking over stones,
grass, or on tile floor are all different experiences for the joints and
muscles of your feet. Walking uphill, downhill, or over flat surfaces are all
different experiences as well. Expose your feet to as many different
experiences as possible, with or without shoes to allow for maximal

It’s helpful to
practice walking on different textures in conjunction with spreading and
lifting your toes. Gaining mobility is a process that not just improves your
flexibility, but also strengthens your control of it.

Taking these smalls
steps to improve the health of your feet impacts your overall health in a
positive way. After all, you need a healthy foundation to build healthy
movement habits.

The post Want to Feel More Balanced? Start with Your Feet! appeared first on Sixty And Me.

The post Want to Feel More Balanced? Start with Your Feet! appeared first on Best Homecare Tips.

Source: CareTips


What we offer

  • Wound Care
  • Care of chronic diseases & Education
  • Cardiac Care
  • Pulmonary Care
  • Orthopedic Care
  • Brain Injury/Stroke Care
  • Medication management
  • Post surgical management
  • Diabetes management
  • Pain management
  • Dementia & Alzheimer
  • Assessment of blood pressure, pulse, respirations, lung sounds, blood glucose or pulse oximetry, as ordered by your doctors
  • Home Health Aide/Certified Nursing Assistants
  • Homemaker
  • Medication Reminder
  • Medical Escort
  • Companions
  • Physical Therapy
  • Occupational therapy
  • Fall Prevention
  • Medical Social Worker Services

NewVision understands that navigating our healthcare system is complex for clients and families alike. That is why we also offer a comprehensive care management program that is strictly run by our advanced level nurses who are well-versed in the complexities of the healthcare system. Our approach is team-based and patient-centered, it is designed to make healthcare simple.  Services include but not limited:

  • Assess and develop individualized plan of care
  • Implementation of a comprehensive plan of care
  • Conduct ongoing assessments to monitor and implement changes in care
  • Oversee and direct care provided at home
  • Medication management and treatment plan review
  • Assist with advance directive
  • Find appropriate solutions to avoid a crisis
  • Coordinate medical appointments and medical information
  • Provide transportation to medical appointments
  • Assist families in positive decision making
  • Develop long range plans for future needs
As clients transfer from acute and/or post acute care settings back into the communities, the process can be fragmented and as a result this can be detrimental to clients with complex care needs. Transitional care is there to prevent the care gap that exist between the “handoffs” from the hospital to the outpatient care teams. Our well trained and experienced advanced level nurses and nurse practitioners will connect the pieces from the acute and/or post acute care settings accurately. Our goal is to safely link clients back into the communities in a safe manner through coordination with inpatient, outpatient care teams along with family members. Our comprehensive plan of care is design to prevent unnecessary readmissions.

Contact Info

1 Frank Leary Way, Unit 1

Randolph, MA 02368


Emergency Service/On-Call Clinicians Are Available: 24/7
Daily: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Saturday | Sunday: Closed

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