3 Reasons Why Weight Training Is Recommended for Seniors

Working out is an activity that divides people and opinions. Some claim that women who exercise look bulky and overly masculine, while others argue that you aren’t doing it right if you feel no pain in your muscles. While these claims have little truth to them, even bigger misconceptions exist regarding older adults and exercise.

When recommending exercises for seniors, many people suggest easy workouts that only slightly raise their heartbeat. The most frequent choices are walking, dancing, and other low impact exercises. Most of them don’t even think about lifting weights, but they should. This activity is often associated with the younger population but for no particular reason. Lifting weights is an ideal workout for the elderly too. Seniors don’t have to focus only on lifting weights, but they should put strength exercises into their workout regimen. Why? Well, there are many reasons, and in this article, we are going to talk about some of them. After reading this, we hope you consider weight training or recommend it to your elderly loved one.

3 Reasons Why Weight Training for Seniors is Recommended

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Three Key Reasons to Consider Weight Training

  • Daily Living Activities
  • Independence
  • Balance
3 Reasons Why Weight Training for Seniors is Recommended

Source: pexels.com

Daily Living Activities

Luckily for older adults, almost all daily activities require them using strength. Even getting up out of bed or standing up from a chair requires a certain degree of force. One of the most popular activities among seniors is walking. While walking is undoubtedly healthy, it is not strength training.

With age, our muscles get weaker and we lose strength, so in order to slow down the atrophy, we should do some weight training. Unfortunately, many seniors don’t include strength training in their exercise routine. Because of this, they lose strength with every passing year, and in some time they find themselves having issues completing daily tasks.

3 Reasons Why Weight Training for Seniors is Recommended

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When this happens, loss of independence follows. Seniors who lack strength become unable to shop for groceries, do some heavy lifting around the home, and in more severe cases they can’t climb the stairs. Seniors who manage to maintain their strength can care for themselves even later in life. The best way to be one of those seniors is to incorporate strength training into your exercise routine.

3 Reasons Why Weight Training for Seniors is Recommended

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Balance comes with strength. The more strength you have, the easier to maintain your balance, which will prevent you from having falls that could lead to severe injuries. By working out, you can strengthen your core, postural muscles, and legs—all of which are essential for maintaining balance. Lifting weights and doing squats will do this for you.

How to Incorporate Strength Training

  • Use your body
  • Try using household items

Use Your Body

Even if you don’t have access to weights, your body still weighs something. Lunges, push-ups, and squats are just some of the exercises that will give you strength, and they require no additional load. Your body will be enough resistance for your muscles in most cases.

Use Household Items

Even cans of food can serve as weights and will be ideal equipment for strength exercises for your arms. This might sound funny, but dedicate some time to it, and you will see results in no time.

These are just some of the choices you have for adding strength exercises to your workout regimen. If you try, you will find numerous others. In the end, you will find out that there are many ways that will help you stay active, give you strength, and in the long run provide you with years of independence.

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Source: CareTips

Different Types of Manual Wheelchairs

Do you know that wheelchairs come in various sizes and types? They can also have additional features and accessories to make the ride as comfortable as possible.

If you’ve never been in need for one, you probably have never paid attention. However, if you think that a wheelchair would be a good solution for your loved one, then you need to know which one would be the most suitable.

There is a massive difference between an older adult who’s mobile and needs a chair only for longer distances, and a senior who needs it for permanent use.

These are the basic types of manual wheelchairs:

  • Standard
  • Lightweight
  • Heavy duty
  • Tilt and recliner
  • Transport
  • Other types

Here are the overviews of every one of them.

Standard Wheelchairs

Manual standard wheelchairs usually have large back wheels, while the front ones are noticeably smaller. This type is the most common, and people typically opt for the standard version.

A person using this kind of wheelchair can push themselves easily, since all of them have gripped handles. There are also handles at the back of the chair so a caregiver can push them.

The only problem with a standard wheelchair is that it’s a bit heavy. This doesn’t make it suitable for traveling, since it is difficult to lift.

Lightweight Wheelchairs

Lightweight wheelchairs are very similar to the standard type with one huge advantage. As the name suggests, they weigh less and so are more appropriate for traveling. Being light (typically between 25 to 40 lbs), it is easy to lift it and put in the trunk without any difficulties.

This type of wheelchair is lighter thanks to the particular materials they are made from. They are usually constructed with aluminum or titanium, or even carbon steel.

Like the standard model, lightweight wheelchairs have one pair of large wheels and one pair of small ones.

older adult in a wheelchair

Heavy Duty Wheelchairs

Heavy duty wheelchairs are designed for people who are overweight. They can usually support a person up to 700 lbs.

When compared to the standard type, a heavy duty wheelchair has a larger seat. The frame is also stronger.

It is designed so that, despite a substantial weight, a caregiver can push them easily.

Tilt and Recliner Wheelchairs

A tilting or reclining seat is of great help when getting out of or into bed. It also makes things easier when an older adult goes onto the toilet.

With these wheelchairs, you can safely lean them towards the ground and then lift your older adult.

Transport Wheelchairs

Transport wheelchairs are often used in hospitals and less so in a home environment.

They are significantly different than the other types. This type features wheels of all the same size. There are no large and small wheels.

For short outings, they are great, since these wheelchairs don’t weigh much. However, for long and outdoor use, types with large back wheels are preferable.

The problem with these chairs is also the inability for a person to push themselves. There always needs to be someone to propel a transport wheelchair.

Other Types of Wheelchairs

The other types are specifically designed for specific purposes.

sports wheelchair

For instance, there is a particular type of wheelchair for children. Also, athletes with disabilities need a wheelchair designed according to their needs. The list goes on.

Talk to your loved one and decide which type would be the best for them. If none of these types fits them, think about contacting a producer and ordering a personalized wheelchair.


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The post Different Types of Manual Wheelchairs appeared first on Best Homecare Tips.

Source: CareTips

4 Dementia-Friendly Winter Activities

Winter is the part of the year where people spend most of the time indoors. It is too cold to go on long walks, and we look for ways to entertain ourselves during these short days and long nights.

Luckily, winter season means a lot of holidays: Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, Christmas, New Year, etc. These holidays are synonyms for giving presents, baking cookies, making delicious dishes, and singing songs. You, your older adult, and the entire family can participate in these activities.

However, the problem is what to do in between?

We’ve already discussed some winter activities for seniors. However, this time we will pay more attention to dementia-friendly activities.

  • Cook with your loved one
  • Knit
  • Exercise
  • Stay in touch with friends and family

Cook with Your Loved One

Cooking can be fun! Make delicious meals together, and spend some quality time with your family.

Ask them about their favorite recipes. Let them show you the way they used to prepare a certain meal in their youth.

Not only will they have fun, but it is a great cognitive exercise, too. Reading recipes, remembering what goes first, measuring the ingredients, and cooking requires the brain to be engaged all the time.

Being in a wheelchair doesn’t mean an older adult can’t participate. Let them read the recipe or stir the ingredients. You can find a task for everyone.


Knitting is not as popular as it used to be. However, it is a creative hobby an older adult can enjoy.

Teaching your senior how to knit has numerous benefits. Even if you don’t know how to do it, learning it together will bring you closer to your loved one.

They can create gloves, hats, or sweaters for their grandchildren and have a new sense of purpose. Donating the creations to the Red Cross or other humanitarian organizations is also an option.

Seems complicated to you? Watch this tutorial on YouTube to learn the basics.


Performing exercises may not be on the top of the list of favorite activities. Nevertheless it is essential for seniors to be active. They usually don’t go out of the house often in winter, especially if they suffer from dementia.

senior performing yoga

Suggest your loved one exercise regularly. Even the simplest exercises can help. Try yoga, tai chi, or even seated exercises. Any type of activity will have numerous health benefits for your older adult. This especially refers to reduced blood pressure, decreased back pain, and improved mood.

Regular fitness is important for maintaining balance. Exercising strengthens bones and muscles so seniors will reduce the risk of falling.

Stay in Touch with Friends and Family

Winter is the time of year when we see our family and friends less than usual. It is too cold to go outside often, so we prefer to stay indoors.

This means we have less contact with the people we care about. Loneliness in the elderly is particularly pronounced during this season.

Although it is winter, it doesn’t need to be that way.

Luckily technology has progressed so we can now talk to and see our loved ones even if they are on the other side of the planet.

Organize a video chat for your loved one with people they care about. Although a face-to-face meeting would be much better, even a video call can decrease the sense of isolation.

Winter is coming, so prepare yourself and your older adult ahead of time. Think about how to prevent them from falling and how to engage them in different activities. Winter may be boring and depressing, but there are ways to beat it.

Learn more about how to keep seniors warm during winter.


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The post 4 Dementia-Friendly Winter Activities appeared first on Best Homecare Tips.

Source: CareTips

How to Combat Loneliness for Seniors During the Holidays

The holiday season is the part of the year when everyone tries to be happy and spread positive energy. But for some seniors, it’s hard to hide that they are feeling lonely and isolated. Despite the holiday season being one of the most joyous times of the year, there are individuals that feel alone. The sad fact is that the group of people who think like this is quite large. According to statistics, 45% of Americans don’t enjoy the holiday season because of feelings of loneliness and isolation. Even more dreadful statistics claim that they feel like this during the entire year. Because of stats like this, it is essential to address loneliness as a medical condition that plagues the elderly population and make our elderly loved ones feel loved once again.

How to Combat Loneliness for Seniors During the Holidays

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What Does Loneliness Feel Like? What Are the Signs?

It is not easy to recognize loneliness in the elderly. Most people consider seniors lonely when they are living far from family in an assisted living facility and nobody comes to visit them. But in the majority of cases, feeling lonely has nothing to do with being physically isolated. It is about feeling like you are alone in the world even when you are surrounded by people. It is about not feeling like you belong.

For example, the spouse of an individual who is battling dementia can feel lonely as he watches his other half fading away. For people who are looking at their partners changing to the point they no longer recognize, it can make them feel like their spouse already passed away. The emotions that accumulate during this process are usually negative ones.

In situations like this, it is hard to see what consequence this situation has on the healthy partner. So if your loved one is not his usual self, you should look for signs that point to loneliness. The most common ones are too much sleep and lack of interest in activities they previously enjoyed. If you notice this in your loved one, it’s the right time to talk to them about what’s happening and how they are feeling.

How You Can Help a Lonely Older Loved One

Once you have talked with your loved one and had them express their feelings, the right move would be from you to fully acknowledge them. In most cases, it is hard to deal with negative emotions. It is especially difficult to handle them in situations where the elderly are not entirely willing to receive help from their children because they are younger individuals.

But even in a situation like this, you need to be patient and work with them, as you can provide the much-needed help. If you approach them without judgment and give them space, they will start discussing their negative feelings. It is essential that at first you remove all the stigma that surrounds this topic.

In most situations, it is hard to discuss the loss of a loved one with older adults, but it is essential to address this subject head on. If you do this, seniors will understand that their feelings are respected and that they are being heard. Many seniors will appreciate if you talk about their loss when you gather together or if you keep pictures of them in places where they can be seen. Others, at the same time, can feel more comfortable if you avoid speaking of them and spend time together without mentioning the subject.

If you talked with your loved one about how they would like to handle situations like this, you can make family gatherings much more enjoyable for everyone. Regardless of what they want, talking to them is the first step to full understanding and gaining the ability to help them further.

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The post How to Combat Loneliness for Seniors During the Holidays appeared first on Best Homecare Tips.

Source: CareTips

How Art Benefits Seniors

Many humans describe their enjoyment in the arts as the most fulfilling life experience. According to various studies, practicing the arts can be very beneficial to the elderly. By becoming engaged with art, many seniors can spend their time in a more meaningful way, and it can also have therapeutic properties. By becoming a person that does art, older adults can share their talents with others, become valuable members of their respected communities, and also have their brains running on all cylinders. For seniors who already have some type of degenerative disease, the benefits of practicing art can have an even greater consequence on their lives.

Art Therapy

According to scientists, art therapy has a positive effect on both psychological and physiological aspects of human life. In addition to affecting one’s well-being, art will also have an immeasurable effect on a person’s cognition. It was proven that art therapy has the most positive effect on those who already have degenerative diseases. Patients with Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s are those who can reap the most significant benefits and help lower the impact of these conditions on their lives. By enjoying art, older people not only find a way to spend their time doing something useful, but they will also put their brain to work. Through art, seniors can improve their cognitive function and even create new neural pathways. All patients who have engaged themselves in art have seen improvement in their cognition.

How Art Benefits Seniors 1

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Art Therapy for Seniors with Dementia

There are many therapies that are highly beneficial for people with dementia, and art therapy belongs to that group. Its effectiveness lies in the fact that practicing art engages both hemispheres of the brain. People who work with art and create it benefit greatly. By creating something meaningful, we physically change our mind, which can have a significant effect on degenerative diseases such as dementia or Alzheimer’s.


Creating art was a social activity in our early ages, and it remains like that to the present day. It allows those who practice it to not only create art but to give others the chance to express themselves by communicating about the work of art they are seeing. Many seniors who start making art find themselves re-engaged with their community. Furthermore, many get recognition from their peers and loved ones that they didn’t have before by merely expressing themselves. All of these things combined make a person feel good about themselves, which is highly beneficial for their well-being.

In some cases, the elderly find that they have talents they weren’t even aware of. There have been cases of world-renowned artists who have discovered their skills in the later stages of their lives. For example, we have Grandma Moses who started painting at the fragile age of 78. In the next two decades, she created some of the most famous folk paintings in American history.

These days we even have seniors who engage themselves in street art. In Europe, more precisely in Portugal and Germany, there are programs that connect the elderly with young graffiti and street artists so that they can engage in this type of art.

The benefit that many see is the socialization. Elderly adults who engage themselves with other people are less prone to fall into depression. This condition is becoming more and more common among seniors. Because of this, it is essential for seniors to engage in activities such as art. Seniors who socialize through art can facilitate relaxation, reduce anxiety and depression, improve cognitive function, increase self-esteem, and alleviate boredom.

How Art Benefits Seniors 2

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With art, older adults can have fun while at the same time reaping the health benefits this activity provides.

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The post How Art Benefits Seniors appeared first on Best Homecare Tips.

Source: CareTips

Alternative Treatments for Arthritis

Even the simplest of tasks will become hard if you have joint pain. Most people that suffer from this condition already undergo some sort of treatment, but if your current one isn’t doing enough for your pain, maybe it’s time to consider some of the available alternative therapies. Continue reading our article to see the three most common alternatives to standard joint pain treatments. We are going to talk about their effectiveness and what professionals say about their use and purpose in medicine. Of course, we suggest that you consult your doctor before trying any of the alternatives for arthritis treatment we offer below.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is a remedy that has been recommended by folks for all kinds of treatments from the common cold to warts. Many will doubt its use as medicine because it’s a folk remedy, but it is proven that apple cider vinegar can be used for treating arthritis.

Regardless of its already broad use in treating arthritis, many medics still have divided opinions on it. Those who believe in it claim that apple cider vinegar alters the body’s pH balance by dissolving the harmful crystallization in the joints. It also provides healthy nutrients that are necessary for joint health. But many doctors, such as Professor Robert Moots, who is a rheumatologist at Liverpool’s University Hospital, say that these claims are unfounded.

While opinions remain divided, many people will try out apple cider vinegar to treat their joint pain. If you are one of those who would love to try it out, there are many ways you can do it by yourself at home. The best way is to mix one cup of apple cider vinegar with five cups of warm water and then soak your joints in the mixture. Also, you can mix it with olive oil and rub it directly into your skin. Some people even recommend drinking one or two tablespoons combined with water or juice.

Alternative Treatments for Arthritis

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Reiki Healing

Have you heard of reiki? It is based on the belief that there is a healing energy that flows through every person’s body. Those who practice reiki try to make the body vital and to heal it if needed by redistributing the energy in our body. Those who have been to reiki therapy say that it lasts between one hour and ninety minutes. During the treatment, a patient lies or sits in a comfortable position while the reiki practitioner infuses energy in particular places with their hands.

Unfortunately, there isn’t much research that shows the connection between reiki and arthritis. Many patients that have chronic joint pain claim that they felt better after reiki treatments. But regardless of their claims, no medical studies have confirmed that reiki is good for arthritis patients.

Alternative Treatments for Arthritis

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This Chinese healing skill is based on the premise that all people are blessed with energy called chi, which is an essential part of our well-being. According to those who believe in chi, the imbalance in this energy is a cause of illness. Acupuncture consists of needles being inserted into a patient’s skin while he lies on the table. This process can last more than 40 minutes. The balance in chi is attained by adequately distributing needles across the body.

Many studies have proved that acupuncture is an effective way to treat chronic pain. So, unlike reiki, acupuncture is recommended by doctors. But many of them believe that acupuncture only works because people want to believe in it. This means that it works only because of the placebo effect. Regardless of this being true or not, it has had a positive impact on many patients.

Alternative Treatments for Arthritis

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The post Alternative Treatments for Arthritis appeared first on Best Homecare Tips.

Source: CareTips

The Grumpy Old People Stereotype

The term grumpy is often used when someone describes older people, especially older men. When an old person is irritable, people often don’t ask why but instead conclude that it’s because they are old. This conclusion is based on an idea that all older people are irritable. Which prompts a question: Will you be more irritable in your old age if you already are in your 30s? Many people wonder whether personality changes with age. This question is one that also interests scientists, and many studies are working on discovering just how our personality changes with age. Most of them agree on one thing. People don’t get grumpy with time. The truth is entirely on the opposite end of the spectrum.

The Big Five

If you are not into psychology, you probably haven’t heard of the term ‘’the big five.’’ Most studies in contemporary psychology revolve around this term. According to these psychology studies, the big five are extraversion, agreeableness, openness, conscientiousness, and neuroticism.

The Grumpy Old People Stereotype

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This term, according to studies, is used for measurement of expressiveness, excitability, or sociability.


Psychologists use this term to measure traits such as affection, trust, altruism, or kindness.


Insight and imagination are covered by openness. More specifically, it’s used to measure one’s openness towards new relationships. Middle-aged and elderly people usually have lower scores compared to their younger counterparts.


Impulse control, organization, goal-setting, and thoughtfulness are included in this term.


Most types of emotional instability are measured with this term. It includes anxiety and moodiness, together with many other types of emotional instability.

Let’s Look at the Studies

According to a study from NIH (National Institutes of Health), 75% of our personality traits will change as we grow older than 65. This proves that not only our personality changes with age, it varies quite a lot. Research conducted by the American Psychological Association showed that most traits named in the big five change through our life starting in our 30s and on up to our old age. But unlike the common belief, they don’t change for the worse but for the better. This means that people don’t become grumpy with time.

This prompts the question, where from does this belief comes from? Well, a trait that changes for the worse with old age is openness. Old people are generally less prone to forming new relationships. They also lose the desire to explore and have new experiences, and this is where from the idea of grumpy old men comes from. One thing that this points to is that as we get older, we choose to spend more time with the people we already know rather than look for new relationships.

More Studies

NIH also conducted a global study on this subject and found out one interesting thing. The stereotype that young people are impatient while old ones are not flexible is present all across the globe in all cultures. In the United States, these stereotypes are exaggerated. Because of this, while it’s true that our personality does changes with time, it does not reach extreme changes.

All studies on our personality reach the same conclusion. While it’s true that changes will occur, they are not a consequence of our age but more of our life experience. It is also important to note that people who have Alzheimer’s or some other type of dementia will experience personality changes because of their disease.


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The post The Grumpy Old People Stereotype appeared first on Best Homecare Tips.

Source: CareTips

Winter Driving Tips for Seniors

Winter is just behind a corner. We’ve started wearing warm jackets, boots, and caps. Chimneys are breathing the smoke out and there are a load of supplies in our fridge in case of a long heavy snowstorm.

You’ve read our winter tips for seniors on our blog, and you believe you are ready for the coldest season of the year.

Snow falls. The neighborhood looks amazing, and you want to drive around. However, your family members don’t think it is a good idea to sit behind the wheel.

Indeed, driving on the snow requires more attention than usual. So here are several winter driving tips to ensure you will drive safely:

  • Avoid ice on a parking lot
  • Slow down if needed
  • Practice driving in winter conditions
  • Drive only in daytime
  • Prepare a safety kit
  • Don’t drive if you aren’t entirely healthy

Avoid Ice on a Parking Lot

Parking lots can be dangerous places, especially if there are puddles all over the place.

For seniors, a sudden fall can cause a lot of damage. Your bones and muscles are not as strong and flexible as they used to be. You should not risk a fall at any cost.

When parking a car, try to find a place which is not close to icy puddles. Also, make sure to wear skid-resistant shoes.

Read more tips on how to prevent falling in winter.

Slow Down If Needed

Knowing when to slow down is a skill you need particularly in winter. Roads can be snowy and icy, so maintaining a longer distance behind a vehicle is a must.

Don’t rush and accept the fact when you won’t make it on time. It is better to be late than to end up in a car accident.

Even if the snow has just started falling and it only slightly covers the road, serious accidents can happen.

Practice Driving in Winter Conditions

If you are not confident in your driving skills on a snowy road, it’s better to test yourself before hitting the road.

Find an empty lot (or even a road that is not busy), drive around and make turns. Learn how the car behaves and adjust your speed and turns to the conditions.

When you gain more confidence, go on a road which is not too busy and practice a bit more. Always have someone in the passenger seat next to you.

Drive Only in Daytime

Avoid driving at night at all costs, especially if you have vision issues. It’s getting darker earlier than in summer time, but don’t sit behind the wheel if it isn’t something urgent.

Visibility is generally lower during winter. Fog and snowstorms make the situation even worse. Don’t get in the car when the conditions are not perfect.

winter driving tips

Prepare a Safety Kit

Always think in advance. Pack your car with necessary equipment in case of an emergency.

Take a blanket, shovel, ice scraper for the windshield, supply of water, first aid kit, extra clothes, and other essentials that can come in handy if you get stuck in a blizzard.

Also, test your battery to make sure it won’t suddenly die on the road, and check the pressure in the tires.

Don’t Drive If You Aren’t Entirely Healthy

Are you complaining that your vision is getting blurry? Do you feel pain in your back and neck and can’t turn on your side easily?

These are all reasons for avoiding driving in winter. Even the slightest pain or a health issue can cause you to lose concentration.

Not sure you should continue driving a car? Learn more about when seniors should stop driving.


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The post Winter Driving Tips for Seniors appeared first on Best Homecare Tips.

Source: CareTips

5 Tips for Hiring a Transportation Caregiver for Your Senior

What should you do when your senior can’t drive anymore?

They are not able to drive a car but still need to go farther from their home than they can walk. They have doctor appointments, groceries to buy, friends and family to visit, etc.

When they no longer feel confident behind the wheel, it doesn’t mean their life should change. If you are not able to be there for them every day, a transportation caregiver is the logical option.

Caregivers who drive a car are a great help. They can assist your older adult throughout the day and take them out when needed.

Here are some tips for hiring a caregiver to drive your senior so you make sure you have chosen a safe and reliable person:

  • Ask about their driving experience
  • Check their driving record
  • Ask hypothetical questions
  • Set the rules
  • Decide on the car which will be used

Ask About Their Driving Experience

You don’t want an inexperienced driver to take your older adult around the city. Check their driving history and see whether they have driven seniors before.

Let them show you their driver’s licence. Find out if they’ve ever had any violations.

Focus on their experience with adults over 65 years old. Ask about the main challenges they faced when driving a senior. What were the biggest problems and how did they overcome them? Present any possible issues with your senior, and find out how they would solve them.

Check Their Driving Record

After you’ve found all the information you want to know, it won’t be bad to compare it to their Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) or similar agency’s record.

Browse through the website of your state’s DMV or give them a call. They can give you various information, such as violations a caregiver had. However, they don’t cover other states, so information will be limited.

Ask Hypothetical Questions

One way to asses a potential caregiver is to ask them hypothetical questions. Prepare the list of questions in advance. For example, you can ask:

  • What would the caregiver do if the senior suddenly starts feeling unwell?
  • What if the senior wants to skip the appointment at the doctor’s?
  • What would he/she do if the senior loses strength and can’t walk to the car?

See what else is important to you and add it to the list.

Set the Rules

An older adult may try to take advantage of your absence and want to go “off road.” Make sure the caregiver knows what the dos and don’ts are.

They may try to visit casinos or night clubs. If they have dementia, they may suddenly want to go to strange places.
hiring a transportation caregiver
Also, establish some rules with the caregiver. For instance, agree that they don’t run their personal errands while driving your older adult or use a phone when behind the wheel.

Decide on the Car Which Will Be Used

See what type of vehicle will be the most suitable for a senior. Perhaps they have their car which a caregiver can use.

A caregiver may even want to use their own vehicle, so ask them questions about it. Check out whether it is safe for the road and convenient enough. It is a good idea to go with the caregiver on a test drive and see them behind the wheel.

Make sure the caregiver is an experienced driver and knows how to react in uncommon situations. Check everything from the list and have peace of mind when your older adult is on the road.

Learn more about the time when seniors should stop driving.


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The post 5 Tips for Hiring a Transportation Caregiver for Your Senior appeared first on Best Homecare Tips.

Source: CareTips

Tips to Overcome Caregiver Loneliness

You have been spending a lot of time caring for your loved one. Besides caregiving, you have a regular job and run errands every day. There is less time for hobbies and socializing with other people.

Loneliness is a common issue among caregivers. Accumulated anxiety and stress make the situation even worse.

Lack of understanding from your family and friends doesn’t help. You are all alone and don’t have anyone to talk to. It seems that vicious cycle doesn’t have an end.

Fighting loneliness may be a tough thing to do, and letting yourself give into desperation sometimes seems like an easier choice.

Follow these tips to get back on your feet. Don’t forget you are not alone in the world.

  • Connect with other people
  • Share your feelings
  • Accept praise
  • Join a caregiver support group

Connect with Other People

Human beings are sociable creatures. We can’t live entirely alone, without friends and others who are important to us.

Being a caregiver means a lack of free time. However, it is essential for your mental health to make an effort and meet up with your friends and family once in a while.

Don’t lose relationships with people you care about. It would be far more difficult to make new honest friendships.

Having a conversation with someone will keep you away from social isolation, help to create a positive attitude, and reduce the stress you’ve accumulated.

Chatting online with someone is great, but it is much better to meet people in person.

Share Your Feelings

Talking to someone will help keep your mind away from caregiving. It will also help to lower the stress level.

However, maintaining deeper relationships with people is the key to fighting against caregiver loneliness.

overcoming caregiver loneliness

People you can trust and share your feelings with are true friends. They listen to you when you need to get the burden off your chest and receive words of comfort.

You will feel much more relaxed after a deep conversation and have more energy for future tasks.

Accept Praise

Caregivers tend to refuse words of appreciation. For example, when a sibling says, “Thank you so much for taking care of our mom. I understand how much time you dedicate to her,” people tend to wave it off and say, “It’s not a big deal, don’t mention it.”

Perhaps such caregivers feel they don’t deserve praise and believe they should do much more.

Whatever the reason is, always accept praise. It will help you to continue assisting your loved one and is one more way to connect with others.

Join a Caregiver Support Group

Caregiver groups are beneficial for numerous reasons. Not only will you be among people who share similar stories, but you will learn a lot about caregiving that you didn’t know before.

People share their experiences at these meetings, and you can ask all kinds of questions to others. On the other hand, you can also contribute to the meetings by sharing your story. Despite your possible insecurity, know that you have a lot to offer.

Being surrounded by people with similar issues will help you reduce the feeling of loneliness. You are not the only one in the world who takes care of their parent. People are often surprised when they see how many people are family caregivers.

Learn more about caregiver support groups and how to find the perfect one.

Feeling lonely as a caregiver is common, but it is not a healthy state. Follow these tips to overcome it and get back on track.

Read more on coping with caregiver loneliness.


Images Source: http://unsplash.com

The post Tips to Overcome Caregiver Loneliness appeared first on Best Homecare Tips.

Source: CareTips


What we offer

  • Wound Care
  • Care of chronic diseases & Education
  • Cardiac Care
  • Pulmonary Care
  • Orthopedic Care
  • Brain Injury/Stroke Care
  • Medication management
  • Post surgical management
  • Diabetes management
  • Pain management
  • Dementia & Alzheimer
  • Assessment of blood pressure, pulse, respirations, lung sounds, blood glucose or pulse oximetry, as ordered by your doctors
  • Home Health Aide/Certified Nursing Assistants
  • Homemaker
  • Medication Reminder
  • Medical Escort
  • Companions
  • Physical Therapy
  • Occupational therapy
  • Fall Prevention
  • Medical Social Worker Services

NewVision understands that navigating our healthcare system is complex for clients and families alike. That is why we also offer a comprehensive care management program that is strictly run by our advanced level nurses who are well-versed in the complexities of the healthcare system. Our approach is team-based and patient-centered, it is designed to make healthcare simple.  Services include but not limited:

  • Assess and develop individualized plan of care
  • Implementation of a comprehensive plan of care
  • Conduct ongoing assessments to monitor and implement changes in care
  • Oversee and direct care provided at home
  • Medication management and treatment plan review
  • Assist with advance directive
  • Find appropriate solutions to avoid a crisis
  • Coordinate medical appointments and medical information
  • Provide transportation to medical appointments
  • Assist families in positive decision making
  • Develop long range plans for future needs
As clients transfer from acute and/or post acute care settings back into the communities, the process can be fragmented and as a result this can be detrimental to clients with complex care needs. Transitional care is there to prevent the care gap that exist between the “handoffs” from the hospital to the outpatient care teams. Our well trained and experienced advanced level nurses and nurse practitioners will connect the pieces from the acute and/or post acute care settings accurately. Our goal is to safely link clients back into the communities in a safe manner through coordination with inpatient, outpatient care teams along with family members. Our comprehensive plan of care is design to prevent unnecessary readmissions.

Contact Info

1 Frank Leary Way, Unit 1

Randolph, MA 02368


Emergency Service/On-Call Clinicians Are Available: 24/7
Daily: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Saturday | Sunday: Closed

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