Psoriasis Awareness Month: Does Psoriasis Get Worse With Age?

August is Psoriasis Awareness Month, so it’s only natural to talk about this autoimmune disease as the month is almost upon us. Most people have heard about this skin disease which is known to be painful. But for those that haven’t, we are going to fill you in on important details. This condition is both uncomfortable and embarrassing for some, as the redness that accompanies it can be followed by itching. Luckily there are treatments that can help you and make you feel more at ease despite having this disease. Also, it is important to note that with age, the condition of psoriasis won’t worsen, if you take care of it.

What Is Psoriasis?

There are many people who mistake psoriasis for various other skin conditions. But this disease is not a skin condition, it is a disease connected to your immune system. It is mostly found in those individuals who have an oversensitive immune system. Because of this, their skin often gets inflamed, and this causes skin cells to grow rapidly. The consequence is that the surplus skin cells find their way to the surface three times faster than they usually do.

Because they grow and reach the surface of the skin so rapidly, the body can’t remove them fast enough. So instead of being removed, they pile up, and they can be noticed as thickened areas on the body. The areas where the surplus skin cells gather are usually red. The red color of the skin is associated with psoriasis.



Can Psoriasis Start at Any Age?

Psoriasis is the most common autoimmune disease in the United States, with more than 7.5 million people having this condition. It can happen to anyone at any age. In most cases, you will notice that you have this disease between the ages of 15 and 25. Most people that live with this condition say that it is a large part of their lives. Living with psoriasis heavily influences their lifestyle. In most cases, the symptoms vary from moderate to severe.

Does Psoriasis Itch?

People who have this condition will all tell you the same answer to this question. Yes, it itches—and quite a bit at that. But it is not so much an itch as it is a burning sensation that you feel on the areas of your skin which are affected. This burning sensation often translates to pain. In almost 90% of cases, people who live with psoriasis tend to feel pain as a consequence of this disease.

Because of this, psoriasis is known as a disease which can make sleeping difficult. It also makes it hard to focus on work and other duties. Those that scratch their burning skin should try to stop, as this action causes the inflammation to get worse. With continuous scratching, the cycle of burning and pain will never end. As a consequence of all of this, a person with this autoimmune disease can start feeling a lot of stress, which only makes things worse.



Does Psoriasis Get Worse With Age?

If you get it under control, it won’t worsen with age. But as you continue living with it, stress will make an impact on your life. If you are under stress for a prolonged amount of time while battling this disease, there is a chance that life events such as the death of a loved one or an illness, will hit you harder than it usually would. So in addition to fighting psoriasis, it is also essential to find ways to reduce and remove stress from your life.

Considering that psoriasis is a lifelong condition, you need to look for ways to minimize its effect on the rest of your life.

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Source: CareTips

Four Tips for Safe and Sound Senior Travel

What most people get when they get older is time. The elderly have more freedom to do whatever they want. Many older adults enter retirement after leaving years of work, and the time when they can go places that they always wanted begins. It’s not unheard of that some elderly adults become world travelers in their golden age even if they didn’t travel a lot earlier in their life. But if they decide to go on a dream vacation, there are a few things they need to keep in mind. We are here to remind them.

Seniors need to take extra care of their health and safety, so planning a trip can cause headaches both for them and their loved ones. So keep reading our article, because we are about to give you a couple of tips on how to simplify travel plans and be safe while on your trip.

Four Tips For Safe And Sound Senior Travel


Research Destinations You Want to Visit

There are so many places worth visiting on our planet that picking one won’t be an easy task. But the elderly need to have in mind their needs and necessities and think about safety and enjoyment. Just some things that they need to look out for in their destination include climate, location, and food.

The weather needs to be taken into account, as you would want appropriate clothes with you. Tourism is, after all, about spending time outside sightseeing. If the weather won’t at least be close to ideal, you might consider postponing your trip. Or adequately prepare for it.

Furthermore, the elevation in a place you are about to visit is essential, because traveling includes a lot of walking. If you neglect it, you might encounter various health issues, especially if you have heart or lung issues.

Food is also quite relevant. Some seniors can’t eat all the food available due to medical restrictions, while other simply won’t like the local cuisine. Because of this, you need to bring food of your own or be sure that there are places where you can shop for groceries.

Four Tips For Safe And Sound Senior Travel


Visit the Doctor

It is essential to talk to your doctor before leaving for vacation. A doctor will be able to warn you about the medical complications that you could encounter at your destination. They could also give you advice on how to best handle your trip from the health side of things.

Another thing that you should do is get all necessary vaccinations. Older adults are more susceptible to various infections and diseases, so this precautionary measure is a must. Furthermore, if you use prescription drugs, you need to be sure to have enough for the entire length of the trip.

Four Tips For Safe And Sound Senior Travel 3



It’s quite logical to pack your things before traveling, but this activity can cause trouble for seniors. Although you need many things, packing it all into a smaller purse or bag would be ideal. With the smaller luggage, you will find it easier to get around the airport and your destination before you get into a hotel. Seniors would be wise to pack a few days ahead to ensure nothing is left behind.

Another thing is medications. You need to be sure to pack the proper amount. The amount you need during your travel won’t make an issue in the country for possessing it.

Get Travel Insurance

You never know just what might go wrong. Because of this, it is essential to have travel insurance. With the number of various insurance policies available, you would be foolish not to have one. Travel insurance while abroad can be the difference between life and death. If the worst outcome of illness or injury occurs, you will be glad to have it.

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Substance Abuse or Misuse in the Elderly

Among older adults, drug and alcohol are often called an invisible epidemic. The reason it got this name is that in seniors, people often mistake the symptoms as typical signs of aging. According to the Center for Applied Research Solutions, substance abuse is more common among the population younger than 60 (60%). Only 37% of those older than 60 are found to have a substance abuse problem.

Because of this, it will be hard to comprehend the following. Research conducted by the American Journal on Addictions found out that seniors older than 65:

  • User one-third of all drugs sold by prescription in the United States
  • Have more chances to be prescribed with opiates, stimulants, and/or benzodiazepines
  • Consume more than one prescribed drug which is commonly abused
  • Are becoming a population who asks for help with drug abuse through abuse treatment programs
Substance Abuse or Misuse in the Elderly


With this trend expanding every year, the control of drug abuse in the elderly becomes a priority for medical authorities. Here we are going to try to help you recognize the signs of substance abuse in your loved ones.

Drug Misuse and Drug Abuse

If you want to prevent or stop drug abuse in the elderly, first you need to know the difference between drug misuse and drug abuse.

Misuse is what happens by accident or from lack of knowledge, and you will notice it by the following signs:

  • When an older adult uses a drug to treat something that it was not originally intended for
  • When they use a medication that was prescribed for someone else
  • When your loved one is taking an amount of medicine which is not recommended on the package or by the doctor

Abuse, on the other hand, is an entirely different thing. It can be noticed by these two particular things:

  • If a senior takes the drug in order to feel “high” rather than using it for the right reason
  • When they create a pattern in their behavior of constant drug use

If it was a one-time thing, you shouldn’t raise the alarm. Your actions should be decided when you are positive whether its misuse or abuse, not before that, because the consequences might not be what you desired.

Substance Abuse or Misuse in the Elderly 2


Know the Signs of Drug Problems in the Elderly

Drug abuse in older adults can have similar symptoms to what you notice in seniors as the signs of aging. This includes memory loss, disorientation, mood swings, and depression. But even if these are typical signs of getting older, you should be worried if they are followed by changes in the following behavior:

  • If your senior starts complaining that the medications aren’t working
  • When they complain that the doctor won’t prescribe them more of the substance they use
  • A constant complaint that they need more of a specific medicine
  • When they use up the specified amount of drugs in a period of time shorter than they should
  • If they start changing doctors in order to get more of the medicine
  • Forging a prescription or using someone else’s

How to Help a Senior Who May Be Misusing Drugs

  • Educate them on the purpose of medications and risk that comes with misuse
  • Write them instructions on how to properly use and measure their meds
  • Try as much as you can to supervise your loved ones while they are taking the drugs
Substance Abuse or Misuse in the Elderly 3


How to Get Help for an Older Adult with a Drug Abuse Problem

  • Provide them with professional treatment
  • Talk to them about their problem and offer solutions, help, and support
  • Don’t be negative, offer a positive attitude—that might be all they need

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AFib Life Expectancy: How Long Can You Live with Atrial Fibrillation?

Irregular and rapid heartbeat is something that many elderly people face. This condition is called atrial fibrillation and is commonly known as AFib. It is a very dangerous condition, as it can lead to heart failure, blood clots, and strokes—all of which can be fatal. At the moment there are more than one million people living with atrial fibrillation just in the United States. Most of them, and you as well, must be wondering how long you can live with AFib. We’re here to answer that.

What Is the Life Expectancy for a Person with AFib?

Having AFib will make you feel like your heart is skipping beats. This is something that won’t go unnoticed by anyone. This condition doesn’t necessarily shorten one’s lifespan. But it is essential to visit your doctor and do everything in your power to bring your heartbeat under control.

If gotten under control in time, it will not shorten anyone’s life. But if left untreated, it will cause health issues, and a person’s life will be reduced. The main problem with atrial fibrillation is that it often follows other health conditions. So when AFib is combined with another heart issue, it can be devastating.

Afib Life Expectancy: How Long Can You Live with Atrial Fibrillation?


Warning Signs of AFib

Most people believe that AFib can happen only to older adults. Unfortunately, this is not true. This condition can hit all individuals of any age. It has even been recorded in children younger than 5.

Another problem which comes with atrial fibrillation is that it sometimes doesn’t have any signs. Sometimes you might notice some, or it could be the case that they just don’t manifest themselves. These issues arise because you have four chambers in your heart, and while one might be stumbling, you can get enough blood from your other three.

But despite this, there are luckily some symptoms. The most prominent include:

  • Heart throbbing
  • Rapid heartbeat
  • Erratic heartbeat
  • Shortness of breath
  • Chest pain
  • Dizziness

These symptoms can be combined, or you might sense only one. The worst part: you might not detect even one.

This condition can be detected by a simple EKG or a routine physical exam. If you visit a doctor, and he notices something suspicious, you might get a Holter monitor for a couple of days to be sure. This monitor follows the electrical activity of your heart. Other tests that can discover AFib include a stress test, chest x-ray, or blood tests.

Can AFib Be Prevented? How Is AFib Treated?

There are no guarantees that you will never have this condition. But if you follow some guidelines, you can avoid it, or if you develop AFib, you can prolong your life. The most important thing to do is to avoid substances that can trigger AFib symptoms. These include caffeine, alcohol, and salty foods.

The life expectancy when you develop this disease varies from case to case. It all depends on an individual’s lifestyle, overall heart health, and getting diagnosed in time. All of this might sound depressing, but you can get information on how to handle AFib from your doctor and start fighting it. If you put an effort into battling AFib you can live long and productively for years.

Also, some foods are good for your overall heart health. Regardless of whether you have atrial fibrillation, you should to consume these on a regular basis. The best foods for your heart are fish and other foods that contain omega-3 fatty acids, fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins, potassium, and beta-carotene (dark leafy greens, broccoli, tomatoes, and asparagus), and oatmeal mixed with berries, nuts, and seeds.

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Source: CareTips

4 Things You Should Never Say to Your Aging Parent

Have you ever been in a situation where you wish you hadn’t said something?

At least once in our lifetime, we’ll say something to our friends, family, colleagues, or teachers that we regret afterward. Sometimes we don’t even realize our words hurt others.

Have in mind that seniors may be particularly sensitive.  They might face certain health problems which have a significant impact on their life. Your parents are not as independent as they were. Show your understanding and patience always, and carefully choose your words.

Here are the things you should never say to your aging parent if you don’t want to offend them.

“You can’t drive! No, you can’t go outside. You can’t do this, you can’t do that!”

No one likes to be told what or what not to do.

Your parents may be stubborn and insist on doing things they aren’t capable of. This is a sign that they are afraid they are losing independence and must rely on other people.

Driving is an especially sensitive topic. If your loved one loves to drive a car but is getting too old for it, introduce the topic gently. Say something like, “I’ve noticed there are so many people driving like crazy these days, don’t you think?” And gradually come to the conclusion that it may be safer for them to take a bus instead of driving a car. Of course, this is not as easy as it seems, but the point is to go slowly and don’t tell immediately tell them they can’t drive anymore.

For more about seniors and driving, read here.

“I can’t listen to you anymore. You always talk about the same things.”

This is one of the worst things you can say to your parent. Instead of complaining about how they repeating the same stories, ask them questions leading to another topic. Try to focus on positive topics and avoid evoking negative memories and feelings.

Things You Should Never Say to Your Aging Parent

Repeating the same stories can be a sign of early Alzheimer’s. Thus, if it gets severe, consult a physician.

“You always complain about your health.”

Your parents are not young anymore. They may have problems with mobility, blood pressure, memory, or even more severe problems.

It is not rare that seniors feel constant pain. Chronic pain impacts every aspect of their lives, and it is understandable they complain about it.

Instead of yelling at them, try to understand what they have been through and their fight with the pain. After all, we all age.

“You are not able to live on your own anymore.”

This is a direct hit to their independence. They are probably aware of the fact they are struggling to live alone. You don’t need to remind them of that.

When you notice your loved one needs an additional hand, try to introduce the idea of having someone by their side, step by step.

See first what the dangerous places in their house are and how to improve them. Perhaps you can add grab bars to enable them to more easily move through the house.

Then, ask your senior to hire a caregiver, but only for house chores. This way, they will remain highly independent and have someone to talk to. Caregivers can talk about their experiences and what other services they provide, so the idea of having someone to take care of them will be less and less scary.

Have in mind that older adults can be more sensitive as they age. This is a normal thing, and you should be careful when choosing your words. Although you want the best for them, think about how you will say something to your parents.

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Source: CareTips

Diabetes and Hot Weather: Tips for Staying Safe

Summer is a time when we all need to be extra careful, regardless of our age and health conditions. Heat can be devastating for our body, so it is important to know what to do during hot weather.  However, seniors should pay extra attention, especially if they have health problems such as diabetes.

People with diabetes have difficulty handling hot weather, especially in combination with high humidity. This kind of weather can affect medications as well.

Here are hot weather safety tips for people with diabetes that should keep them safe during the summer months.

Keep Yourself Hydrated

To avoid becoming dehydrated, drink plenty of fluids—more than usual. Avoid sodas and beverages full of sugar. Also, don’t add sugar to your tea or coffee. Ask a doctor how much liquid you can have. Sometimes they limit the daily amount of liquid for people with diabetes, so consult them first before significant changes in your liquid intake. If they limit you, ask them what to do during summer months when the temperature is high.

Keep an Eye on Your Glucose Level

Blood sugar levels can be affected by hot temperatures.  Test your blood sugar more often if needed, and consult a doctor if you notice it is above normal.

Take Care of Your Medicines and Medical Equipment

If you read instructions on medication packages, you have probably noticed they usually say to keep them in a dark and dry place. Keeping medications in the direct sunlight can make them unusable.

When you take medications with you away from home, protect them from heat. If you are leaving your medications in a car, make sure it won’t get too hot inside. Read the instructions carefully, and follow the steps to keep medications safe and usable.

Diabetes and Hot Weather: Tips for Staying Safe

It’s the same with insulin. Keep insulin away from the direct sunlight, and don’t leave it in a hot car. If possible, keep it cool when traveling, but never place it directly on ice.

See if your glucose meter comes with instructions. If so, there is surely information on how to store it when not using it. Check the instructions and see if high humidity and/or hot temperatures affect it. It is the same with insulin pumps. Extreme heat can damage them, so always place your insulin pump in a safe place. Don’t expose it to the sun and leave it in hot places.

Other Tips

Personally, I don’t like air conditioners. They artificially create a lower temperature and may cause allergies if they haven’t been cleaned for a while. However, an air conditioner is your friend on hot summer days. When the heat is unbearable, there is no better way to cool the room and yourself down. Use them, but don’t make a penguin heaven. Huge discrepancies between inside and outside temperatures are not good for your body.

Check the temperature for the next day and see what it will be during the day. If the forecast says it’s too hot, go out early in the morning or late in the evening. Avoid being outside during the warmest part of the day.

Here you can read more tips on how to protect yourself from heat stroke in summer.

Summer is great, but only if you take precautions. It is fun being outside when the weather is nice, but always think about the impact of hot temperatures. Seniors and people with diabetes should be extra careful. However, as you can see, these measures for staying safe won’t change your way of life. They will just help you go through summer without huge problems.


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Source: CareTips

Questions About Aging at Home

Do you want to stay to live at your home? But are you having problems with mobility, vision, or memory, so you can’t live independently?

Moving to another facility is not an option, your family lives far away or has a lot on their shoulders, so hiring a caregiver is the most reasonable choice.

When hiring a caregiver, there are three main questions. First, you need to know what services you will ask from them. Second, you should determine how much these services cost and how you are going to pay for them. Last but not least is how to evaluate caregiver agencies and choose a reliable one.

What Caregiver Services Do I Need?

People usually don’t ask themselves this question before they start having severe health issues or an accident. When your health starts declining, it is time to consider having an additional pair of hands in your home.

Your current health condition may prevent you from taking care of the house. Cleaning, vacuuming, repairing, and all other house chores might be difficult for you. If you need a caregiver only for housekeeping, you shouldn’t worry. The majority of caregiver agencies offer these services.

However, your deteriorated health condition can also cause trouble with activities such as grooming, bathing, dressing, etc. Perhaps you need someone to help you with medication management. All these services are covered by homecare agencies, and much more.

questions about aging at home

Need to organize transportation to a doctor, for example? Do you need someone to help you with cooking meals?

See what your needs are, and contact an agency to check what services they provide.

How to Evaluate a Caregiver Agency

Evaluation means assessing how reliable and professional an agency is. The best option would be if you know anyone who hired a caregiver via an agency, so you could ask them. However, if that’s not the case, you can conduct some research.

On Medicare’s website, you can find an online rating system. There you can see the rating of homecare agencies in your area by inserting your location into a text box.

Also, go through our website and read more about in-home care. This will give you the idea on what aspects to pay attention to.

How to Pay for Homecare Costs

When you decide to age at home and avoid expensive nursing facilities, it doesn’t mean you won’t have any additional costs.

If a doctor approves in-home care services, Medicare covers a certain percentage of costs and is divided into several different parts. Medicaid targets people with low income and covers the costs to a certain extent.

Medicare covers nursing costs, but for only 21 days or less a month. Also, services related to a speech impediment and physical therapy are also covered. You also need to know that if you want 24/7 care, Medicare won’t pay for it. Personal care and housekeeping services are not covered, either.

Have you heard of the Medicare Advantage plan?

Starting in 2020, Medicare Advantage will cover non-medical costs. This means Medicare will pay for bathroom grab bars, for example.

Here you can learn more about how to earn additional money in retirement and use it to pay for homecare services.

Aging in place shouldn’t pose a problem when carefully planned. Think about what services you need and the homecare agencies in your neighborhood which provide them. Also, check out what services are covered by Medicare and Medicaid, and whether you can find additional sources of income.

There is no better place for seniors than home. Thus it is no wonder why many refuse to move to a nursing facility. Now aging at home is finally possible.


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Source: CareTips

5 Fun Autumn Activities to Do With the Grandkids

Fall is the time of year when many elderly adults love to spend time with their grandchildren. But if their young loved ones are already in school, time can become an issue. Because of this, we are going to talk about autumn activities that can be done with little to no time at your disposal. We hope that both your grandchild and you find these enjoyable and make them a regular thing.

Make Leaf Piles

One of the first signs of autumn are the leaves that fall from the trees. Almost all people hate collecting leaves before the winter and cleaning the yard, but you can make this activity a fun one. If you rake leaves together with your grandchildren, you can let them jump in the pile, which can be very entertaining for them. It will also make raking leaves great fun.

To make lasting memories from this event, you can take photos which will always remind you of the fun of the past. When jumping and photo-shooting is over, the grandchildren can be a big help to you in putting the leaves in bags. This way you can combine the fun of this activity with work that needs to be done and do the job faster.

5 Fun Autumn Activities to Do with the Grandkids


Spend Time Outside

To spend time with your grandchildren, you possibly don’t need a strict activity planned. All that you need to do is go outside with them, which is always an excellent idea. Being stuck inside is no fun for anyone. Some of the things you can do while outdoors are picking apples or going to a pumpkin patch. Another thing is a hayride, which when added to this mix can create lifelong memories for both you and your grandchildren.

5 Fun Autumn Activities to Do with the Grandkids



So if apples and pumpkins are brought home, you can make great use of them. With them at your disposal, you can make apple pie or pumpkin bread. Baking with your grandchildren is a fantastic thing, as putting hands in flour and tasting apples can be great for bonding. In the end, making pies or bread from these fruits will be a treat for the entire family. Furthermore, if you have a family recipe that runs in the family, this is an excellent opportunity to pass it on to your grandchildren.

5 Fun Autumn Activities to Do with the Grandkids


Decorate Fall Trees

New things that they have never seen before are what attract children’s attention. So it would be ideal that you as their grandparent show them something they never saw before. One of the things we recommend is making tree faces with them. You don’t need many things to do this. Mud, pinecones, acorns, or pine needles will do the trick. The things you can do with this cannot be counted. When you finish, you can put the tree face in your yard to remind you of the time spent with your grandchildren throughout the entire autumn.

Make Slime Recipes

Slime is one of the reasons why spending time with your grandchildren is best in autumn. If you are looking for an indoor activity, there’s no better than making slime. It is easy to make and a lot of fun. Not to mention that kids in grade school adore it. The only ingredients you need are white school glue, borax, food coloring, and water. Adding some sparkles will light it up, so you could also do that.

So if you were looking for something to do with your grandchildren during the autumn, these ideas should help you. Great fun combined with creating memories is all you could wish for. Now, all you need to do is wait for autumn. Don’t worry it’s right around the corner.

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Tips for Safe Gardening for Older Adults

One of the best things that comes with old age is that you can dedicate more time to hobbies you loved but neglected earlier in life. Most older adults love gardening and it’s considered one of the best hobbies for aging people.

But as much people love gardening, it can be hard to do it correctly. There are two main issues with planting that all elderly adults face. The first one is staying safe, while the second one is doing your best on a limited budget. Here, we are going to focus on the first one.

Tips for Safe Gardening for Older Adults


Staying Safe While Gardening Alone

Old age is beautiful. But with it, we will encounter reduced physical and mental capacity. Many elderly adults who live alone and have either a physical or mental disability can get injured while gardening. In some cases, the consequences of a gardening accident can even be fatal.

Here we are going to list for you a couple of tips on how to safely enjoy gardening in your golden age.

Be aware of your limits

It is essential for seniors to understand that they are no longer young. Lifting bags of fertilizer is not a smart move, especially if you have a physical impairment. Even working with heavy garden tools is not recommended, as it can be hazardous. The strength of younger days is just not there anymore.

Tips for Safe Gardening for Older Adults


Always keep a cell phone near you

Gardening is fun and enjoyment all in one, but when alone, it can have a bad side. Having an accident while working alone in the garden can be lethal. Falls or even a small misstep can lead to severe injuries. Some gardening tools are sharp, so you can cut yourself and bleed out. Because of this, it is essential to have a cell phone near you to call for help if the need arises.

Try not to use ladders

Ladders are dangerous at any time in your life, but with age, they become very hazardous. As we get older, most of us will lose our sense of balance to an extent. So while in the garden, if we try to climb ladders and lose our balance, a fall can lead to severe injuries or even worse—death. As much as you love gardening, for some jobs it’s better to call professionals and avoid endangering yourself.

Talk about your gardening plans to others

This is something that most people overlook. But telling your friends and family that you will be doing some gardening can save your life. How? It’s simple. If they know that you will be busy for a couple of hours but don’t hear from you for half a day, they will undoubtedly come to check up on you. What’s even better? If you tell them in advance, you might have company while doing it. It’s always more fun with someone around.

Protect yourself

There’s nothing more important than being protected while working. Using safety gear, such as glasses and appropriate footwear, is essential for your safety. Furthermore, if you chose a warm and sunny day for gardening, be sure to apply sunscreen because the sun can be as dangerous as ladders are.

Avoid heavy power tools

Some of the tools you need to use while gardening require a lot of strength. There is one very important rule when choosing which tool to use. If you can’t handle it with ease, don’t use it at all. It might seem that some work needs to be done with gas-powered tools, but you should stay away from them for your well-being. In the end, your health is more important than your garden, as much as you love to keep it in line.

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The Importance of Gut Health for Older Adults

Most people experience some type of issue with their gut during their lifetime. But as we get older, these problems become more frequent. With age, our physical health changes. One of the factors that influences our overall well-being, but mainly the gut, is poor diet. Because of it, our digestive enzymes are reduced, and our gastrointestinal flora becomes imbalanced. All of this affects our digestive system. It becomes agitated and can spread the adverse effects onto other parts of our body.

How Does the Gastrointestinal System Affect People as a Whole?

During youth, most people associate the gut with common phrases, such as “going with your gut,” and “butterflies in your stomach.” Some people even call their gut their second brain. Most of these sayings have something in common. They are associated with the function of our stomach. ENS is commonly known as the enteric nervous system. It is hidden in our gut (in the walls of the digestive system) and has a saying in our digestion, mood, and overall health.

This system doesn’t have the same abilities as our brain. What it does is maintain a secure connection and communication with our central nervous system.

The Importance of Gut Health for Older Adults


It can cause people to react overly emotionally when dealing with issues such as constipation, diarrhea, bloating, pain, and stomach upset. In more severe cases, its connection can be traced to conditions such as anxiety and depression. People who have irritable bowel syndrome or a bowel which isn’t functioning normally are at a higher risk of developing anxiety and depression.

Potential Connection to Parkinson’s

According to a study from Rush University Medical Center conducted by Jeffrey Kordower, there is a strong possibility that conditions such as Parkinson’s disease may originate from the gut. He claims that there’s a chance that PD is created in other parts of our bodies and that it spreads to the brain and through it. Because of what he claims, more people are now looking into the ways in which the gut affects our overall health. But all research is still in the early stages, and much work is left to be done.

While there is a lot of research left to confirm this, we can tell you right now that the gut affects both mood and mental health. It is proven that what we eat sends positive signals from our stomach to our brain, and thus we feel better and more satisfied as a result.

Why Is Gut Health so Important for Seniors?

When you remain healthy in your golden age, your gut has a unique bacterial ecosystem. But as you start having issues which make you change your diet and take prescription drugs, your stomach will change. The gut of your youth has minimal similarities to your older one.

Scientists still need to determine all the ways in which aging affects our guts. But what’s clear is that it’s affected by diet and various other health conditions. With all the diseases that can happen to the elderly, they should keep an eye on the health of their gut.

What Can Be Done to Prioritize Good Gut Health?

Yes, with age your gut will change, and it will get damaged on the way. But its state can be reversed through testing, nutritional changes, and supplements. The best approach to have is to follow the 4R’s of gastrointestinal and digestive health. They are remove, repair, restore, and replace.

The best way to stay true to the 4R’s is to avoid sugar and processed foods while basing your diet on foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids. If your gut is feeling unwell, you need to start treating it immediately. You will do yourself a favor.

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The post The Importance of Gut Health for Older Adults appeared first on Best Homecare Tips.

Source: CareTips


What we offer

  • Wound Care
  • Care of chronic diseases & Education
  • Cardiac Care
  • Pulmonary Care
  • Orthopedic Care
  • Brain Injury/Stroke Care
  • Medication management
  • Post surgical management
  • Diabetes management
  • Pain management
  • Dementia & Alzheimer
  • Assessment of blood pressure, pulse, respirations, lung sounds, blood glucose or pulse oximetry, as ordered by your doctors
  • Home Health Aide/Certified Nursing Assistants
  • Homemaker
  • Medication Reminder
  • Medical Escort
  • Companions
  • Physical Therapy
  • Occupational therapy
  • Fall Prevention
  • Medical Social Worker Services

NewVision understands that navigating our healthcare system is complex for clients and families alike. That is why we also offer a comprehensive care management program that is strictly run by our advanced level nurses who are well-versed in the complexities of the healthcare system. Our approach is team-based and patient-centered, it is designed to make healthcare simple.  Services include but not limited:

  • Assess and develop individualized plan of care
  • Implementation of a comprehensive plan of care
  • Conduct ongoing assessments to monitor and implement changes in care
  • Oversee and direct care provided at home
  • Medication management and treatment plan review
  • Assist with advance directive
  • Find appropriate solutions to avoid a crisis
  • Coordinate medical appointments and medical information
  • Provide transportation to medical appointments
  • Assist families in positive decision making
  • Develop long range plans for future needs
As clients transfer from acute and/or post acute care settings back into the communities, the process can be fragmented and as a result this can be detrimental to clients with complex care needs. Transitional care is there to prevent the care gap that exist between the “handoffs” from the hospital to the outpatient care teams. Our well trained and experienced advanced level nurses and nurse practitioners will connect the pieces from the acute and/or post acute care settings accurately. Our goal is to safely link clients back into the communities in a safe manner through coordination with inpatient, outpatient care teams along with family members. Our comprehensive plan of care is design to prevent unnecessary readmissions.

Contact Info

1 Frank Leary Way, Unit 1

Randolph, MA 02368


Emergency Service/On-Call Clinicians Are Available: 24/7
Daily: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Saturday | Sunday: Closed

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